Godiva Hair Loss, Wig Specialists
& Trichologists
Professional Hair Loss Specialists and Custom made wigs

2 Mayfair Court, Chapel Street, Epworth, Doncaster, DN9 1BW
Tel No: 01302 272098
Awarded Hair Loss & Wig Specialist of the Year 2021 & 2022

Godiva Crown Systems - Unique Mesh Integration
Suitable for ladies hair loss solutions
Do you feel you have lost your confidence due to hair loss?
Do you suffer from:
Alopecia, Post Chemotherapy, Telegenic Effluvium, Trichotillomania, Medication related hair loss, Diet related hair loss, Child birth & pregnancy hair loss, Menopause related hair loss, Age related hair loss, Male pattern baldness, Receding hair line, Hereditary hair loss.
Our Godiva Crown Systems are a perfect solution to help mask the issue and help you feel more confident on a daily basis.
Our Crown systems are designed to fit comfortably on top of your existing hair secured with silicone lined rings. Master partings and wefts are then attached to the mesh system to create a discreet and very real looking head of hair.
The beauty of this technique is the freedom it gives you to wear a system that looks and feels like your real hair. The Godiva mesh systems allows you to wash, brush, straighten, curl and style your hair as you would normally. All the master partings and wefts are made from 100% human hair and they have a lifespan of up to 12 months.
10 weekly maintenances are needed.
Your natural hair does not need to be cut or shaved, we just lay the mesh over the top of your natural hair. This Godiva Crown system is super kind to your natural hair.
A fitting of a master parting, cutting, blending and styling can take up to 3 hours to complete and a fitting of a master parting, wefts, cutting, blending and styling can take up to 4 hours to complete.
Consultations take 45 minutes.
A unique mesh integration system trademarked to Godiva
The Godiva Crown System is unique to Godiva Hair Loss Specialists, the mesh integration has been adapted over time with the experience of many years of hair loss appointments. We now use our own unique threading, knotting and mesh connection techniques that have been solely created by Godiva Hair Loss & Wig Specialists and is trade marked to The Godiva Crown System.

Godiva Royale Systems - Unique Meshless Integration
Suitable for ladies hair loss solutions
For ladies who have tried the mesh integration method, but prefer a no base system.
Godiva Meshless Integration sits flatter, no tangling or matting, no cradle cap build up, no itching, little movement, easier to wash and rinse, no glue or tape.
Our Godiva Royale Systems are a perfect solution to help mask the issue and help you feel more confident on a daily basis.
Do you suffer from:
Alopecia, Post Chemotherapy, Telegenic Effluvium, Trichotillomania, Medication related hair loss, Diet related hair loss, Child birth & pregnancy hair loss, Menopause related hair loss, Age related hair loss, Male pattern baldness, Receding hair line, Hereditary hair loss.
Designed for women with moderate hair loss (up to 70%), thinning hair, needing crown coverage or ladies needing their hair to recover.
Godiva Royale System is unique to Godiva Hair Loss & Wig Specialists, the meshless integration TM, is trademarked to Godiva and has been adapted over time with the experience of many years of seeing ladies seeking a better more comfortable integration hair loss system.
Mesh integration as been around for many years, we are not disrespecting the method, but it just doesn't work for everyone. So we created our own unique non compromising hair loss system, far superior to the traditional mesh integration.
No bases, no mesh, no glue or tape, no itching, little movement, no tangling, matting or knotting, no cutting, shaving or altering the hair in anyway, no tension, no pulling, no cradle cap or product build up, easier to wash and rinse, more comfortable, allows the natural hair to grow and a better foundation.
Made from our trademarked beaded locking system.
Perfect for all types of hair loss
8-10 weekly maintenances are needed.
Your natural hair does not need to be cut or shaved, we just lay the mesh over the top of your natural hair. This Godiva Crown system is super kind to your natural hair.
A fitting of a master parting, cutting, blending and styling can take up to 3 hours to complete and a fitting of a master parting, wefts, cutting, blending and styling can take up to 4 hours to complete.
Consultations take 45 minutes.
Perfect for fine hair that needs a little boost

Do you have thin/fine hair? But have crown coverage.
Does your hair dry in a couple of minutes?
Do you have to wash your hair daily?
Is your hair constantly oily?
Do you always have to wear your hair up?
Does your hair never seem to grow?
Does your hair constantly breaks off at the ends?
Have you always dreamed of thicker, longer hair?
Do you have damage from previous hair extension methods but looking for a non compromising method?
Then our Godiva Mesh/Meshless Perimeter Systems could be for you.
These systems allow you to have your dream hair without any compromises to the health of your natural hair.
Maintenances are needed every 8 weeks.
Fitting, cutting, blending and styling can take up to 2.5 hours to complete.

Custom, handmade lace & silk wigs & high quality synthetic fibre wigs

Celebrities are always looking for fresh ways to stay one step ahead of the game. What was once a last ditch effort to hide short/fine or thin hair has now become the leading accessory to hit the red carpet - wigs.
Stars like Kyle Jenner and Beyoncé are wearing wigs, not to hide damaged hair, but rather to debut innovative and disposable looks. Celebrities are showcasing hair in a multitude of styles and colours.
Wigs are taking over the hair industry.
Remy human hair handmade wigs:
Custom made
100% human hair
Double drawn
Hand made
Lace frontal & Full lace, Silk, Skin and Medical Wigs
Custom coloured
Any length, colour or length can be made.
Prices from £400 - £700.
We also offer Godiva fibre wigs, another price range choice:
Lace frontal or wefted caps
Super silky, feels like real hair.
Fits 20-23 inches
Adjustable straps build in.
Prices range from £70 - £180
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