Godiva Hair Loss, Wig Specialists
& Trichologists
Professional Hair Loss Specialists and Custom made wigs

2 Mayfair Court, Chapel Street, Epworth, Doncaster, DN9 1BW
Tel No: 01302 272098

VAT Relief On Godiva Wigs
Can I claim back the VAT on Godiva Wigs?
You can claim the VAT back on your wig purchase (currently at 20%) if you have alopecia, you are currently receiving chemotherapy treatment, chronically sick or have a disabling condition, which has been confirmed by a consultant at the hospital.
We must receive a copy of the wig voucher you have been issued by the consultant; this is normally in the form of a letter with a voucher number. HC2 or HC3 forms do not qualify.
You can claim the VAT back on as many wigs as you wish to purchase.
You will be asked to sign an eligibility to VAT Relief wigs document on the day of your purchase, this is a personal declaration to the HMRC. These documents are sent to the HMRC for approval.
VAT reduction will only be eligible on the day of making the purchase and cannot be claimed after the purchase as taken place.
We advise you to not make any false declarations to the HMRC, as prosecution and fines can be charged against you.
If you need clarification on your eligibility please make contact with your local GP Practice. For further advice please view the HMRC website:
Key points to make a VAT claim
1. The VAT relief reduction on the wig purchase can only occur during the transaction in the salon and not after the transaction as taken place.
2. The VAT relief can only be claimed on wigs and not on accessories
3. The Godiva VAT relief form must be completed, medical evidence provided and provide GP/Consultant details before the transaction takes place.
4. To qualify with a medical hair loss condition.
5. Can be completed on the wearers behalf by a representative who has written consent.
Which Godiva products can I claim VAT relief on?
HMRC only provides VAT relief on purchased wigs and hairpieces. VAT cannot be reclaimed on wig accessories, e.g., caps, wig blocks, wig straps, scarves, headgear, shampoos, conditioners, products for grooming combs or brushes.
How much is VAT relief?
Currently 20%
The amount of VAT relief is the cost of the original price of the wig minus the VAT element.
Therefore, if you purchased a wig for £200, the VAT element is £33.33, therefore the cost of the wig purchase without the VAT is £166.67.
Please do not get confused by taking the 20% discount off the £200.
It is the responsibility of the buyer to inform Godiva at the point of sale (or prior) that you are exempt of VAT.
Please be aware that if you fail to inform us VAT reclaims cannot be completed retrospectively so it is vitally important that you make Godiva aware before the sale is processed.
It is not Godiva's duty to ask each client if they are VAT exempt at the point of the transaction.
Thank you